I'm a little late to the Parenthood party...not the real parenthood party -- I was right on time for that one and I've been having that wonderful roller coaster celebration for quite some time. I'm talking about Parenthood, the beautifully brilliant television series. I'm on season 3 and just now realizing that it's pretty impossible to make it through an episode without sniffing/crying/sobbing at least once and probably multiple times.
The Bravermans
The portrayal of well-written characters by a stellar cast members means watching the members of the Braverman family break down into tears quite often. Often enough, in fact, that apparently it's a thing -- as in a drinking game: i.e., drink every time they cry. The beauty of the show is the gritty realness. It doesn't shy away from any ups or downs...the disappointment, the pain, the elation, the love, the anger, the sadness, the joy, the frustration, the desperation, and ultimately the hope that all experience as participants in these complex and wonderful group of people we call families.
My favorite way to show captures the essence of family is when the Bravermans engage in once of their spontaneous dance parties. They blast a little music and laugh as they all boogie to the rhythm of the music in their own unique way.
This always brings a smile to my face because impromptu dancing in the kitchen/dining room/living room is something we have loved to do in our home since our baby was born. In the beginning it was an a cappella belting of a song from The Sound of Music followed by a parade around the dining table...and then it slowly morphed into music booming from iTunes while everyone got their groove on. It's nothing but fun!
My mom and Hadley showing off their mad dance skills.
Dance dance revolution!
Grace is just a toddler here. Now she is eight and still loves to dance in the kitchen.
If it comes so naturally to us and the Bravermans, then I suspect it must be a fun for a lot of families. What better way to enjoy the craziness and joy of life then to just let go and dance?
Gotta love Adam's moves, especially!